Community Supported Fishery
What is a C.S.F.?
C.S.F. stands for a Community Supported Fishery. It is similar to a C.S.A. which stands for Community Supported Agriculture. In these models you pay before the season and receive a "Share" of the fishermen's catch or farmer's crop once they catch it or grow it.
A C.S.F. is a community that buys directly from their fishermen. In this case YOU are the community, and WE are the fishermen! While we sell some of our seafood locally in Alaska and the Methow Valley of Washington, we also love offering our scrumptious, wild, Alaskan seafood to seafood aficionados around the country.
Within this C.S.F. model we sell most of our seafood in PRE-ORDER Seafood Shares. This is why we often refer to our seafood as Scrumptious Seafood Shares or Salmon Shares. Your purchase REALLY helps support our family business. Our C.S.F. model and Pre-Season Shares help buffer our family for years when seafood prices drop at the dock and fish returns are low. Like farming, fishing is a true roller coaster!
Our Scrumptious Seafood Shares help build strong relationships between our family and your family. By making your order before we catch your fish, we are able to make pre-season gear and boat upgrades and plan for how much salmon, halibut, rockfish and cod to catch for you. By committing to a PRE-ORDER you are assured a spot on our list. By ordering with friends and buying in bulk you get the best prices possible.
We open our PRE-ORDER Seafood Shares each spring and strive to get as many orders as possible before May 31st. Sign up for our newsletter to know when we open orders each year.