Sockeye Salmon
Oncorhynchus Nerka

Your sockeye salmon comes from the remote waters of Bristol Bay in Western Alaska.  Salmon are caught with a drift gill-net and promptly bled and chilled in 34 degree refrigerated salt water.  Salmon are off loaded at least once a day and filleted, deboned of pin bones, vacuum packed and flash frozen.  All of the boats in our Co-op, fishing for Leader Creek Fisheries, strive for the highest quality fish in Bristol Bay.  Your salmon is the “A Grade” fish picked off the top of the whole run.  Fillets and portions are hand sorted upon shipping to make sure the packaging meets our high standards.

Sockeye salmon spend two to four years in the ocean before returning to their home river to spawn.  During this migration the Alaska Department of Fish and Game counts each fish headed up river and only allows commercial fishing once a river has met its escapement goals.  This careful management of the five major rivers in Bristol Bay produces the worlds largest sockeye fishery and a wild, Alaskan salmon you can trust to be sustainable.