Ski Season or Fishing Season?

Emily Lints
In AK fishing season and ski season can always overlap if you seek it out! Emily is in the Methow enjoying perfect spring Cross Country skiing and Kyle is in Alaska rebuilding a drift gillnet boat for his Uncle Frank.  (Cousin Tony hopes to make the adjustment from setnetter to gillnetter this year!)  We'll admit we're a little perplexed about if it's ski season or fishing and boat season . . . After a jaunt to visit Kyle's sister in California, come May we'll both be in Alaska, likely still skiing and dreaming about fish. Whatever you're dreaming about these days, it's time to make sure and eat all of your 2011 Scrumptious Sockeye Salmon Shares to make room for the fresh 2012 shares!  Within a few months we'll figure out our 2012 business plan and reach out to past customers first, then interested customers, then the 'world at large.'  Methow orders are expected to fill up fast because of our small scale, but we expect to add to shipped and Alaska orders.

Happy Spring and Happy Salmon Eating!

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